Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ditch a Friend in Style - The Most Creative Ways to Lose a Friendship

A whole lot of times, friends are the most important things you can have in your life apart from family. True friends are there in your darkest moments, they cheer you up when you're down and they can raise your spirits even more when you're on the top of the world by just being there. A lot of the greatest minds in the world have glorified the value of friendship and how it can make a difference in someone's life.

However there are just some friends that you want to distance yourself from. They can be because they are fakers or because they have habits that you just can't stand. Whatever the reason there comes a time in everyone's life that they must sadly let go of a friendship, however special that friendship may be. But the problem is how to go about that business. If you're having trouble getting rid of that friend of yours that just won't go away, then here are a few things you can try:

- Invite him or her to a business scam: Nothing ruins a friendship like dishonesty. And when you have had enough of that friend of yours then inviting them into a business scam where they get to invest and lose a great deal of money is a sure fire way to lose a friendship. Just be sure to execute this plan perfectly or you might end up getting sued.

- Hit on your friend: Hitting on a friend may not sound so bad at first glance, but it's definitely an issue when your friend is of the same sex as you are. If you plan to lose a buddy of 8 years, nothing works better than to pretend that you're gay and say that you've been around all this time because you have this desire for him or her. Make sure this doesn't backfire though by your friend's admission that he or she is actually homosexual likes you as well.

- Bring your imaginary friend on your dates: This may just draw some laughs out of your friend the first time you do it but repeatedly bringing your 'imaginary friend' on your dates and talking exclusively to him would definitely weird out anyone who is with you, no matter how long your friendship has been. Let's just be sure your friend doesn't recommend you for mental care without your knowledge or you amy get dragged out fo your own home towards the nearest loony bin!

These are only a few ways to get rid of your friend, especially when you're desperate. If you want ot know more unique ways of ditching a friend, just visit: http://crunkish.com/top-ten-ways-to-ditch-a-friend